How to Manage a VXT Channel

Samsung VXT streamlines channel management with quick-access features, enabling various actions without navigating to detailed settings pages.

By hovering over a channel row, an action icon appears, providing immediate access to several management functions.

How to Manage a VXT channel

Available Features:

  1. Set to Screens: Publish the selected channel to your desired screen(s) directly from the list view.
  2. Add Tags: Organise your channels by adding relevant tags, facilitating easier search and categorisation.
  3. Duplicate: Create a copy of the channel within the current workspace, allowing for quick replication and modification without altering the original.
  4. Share: Distribute the channel across multiple workspaces.
    • Note: Shared channels are linked to the original.
    • Edits made to a shared channel will reflect across all workspaces where it's shared.
  5. Copy to Workspaces: Copy the channel to other workspaces as independent entities.
    • Note: Copied channels operate independently.
    • Edits in one workspace do not affect copies in other workspaces.
  6. Delete: Remove the channel permanently from the system.

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