How to Manage Users in VXT

This article explains how to navigate the Users menu in Samsung VXT, where it is possible to view all organisation accounts, manage their access rights and track their status.

How to access VXT Users?

Click the profile picture (top right) and go to Settings > User to access the User Management menu.

In this menu, it is possible to monitor team member onboarding and access.

Invited accounts appear in the Pending List until they connect to the Samsung VXT CMS, after which they move to the User List.

It provides the following details:

  • User: Name and account details.
  • Workspaces: Accessible workspaces and assigned privileges.
  • Recent Login: Last login date and time.

How to access VXT Users

Hint: Clicking a user’s name opens their details, showing their name, role, email, last login date, sign-up date and accessible workspaces.

How to Add a User in VXT

To add someone to Samsung VXT CMS, follow these steps:

  1. Click the blue Invite User button to open the invitation window.
  2. Enter the recipient’s Samsung Account email address in the provided field.
  3. Assign them to a workspace and select their role within it (e.g., Viewer, Manager, Admin).
  4. Click Invite to send an email invitation.
  5. The recipient can complete the process by clicking the Go to Samsung VXT CMS link in the email and signing in.

How to Add a User in VXT

User Roles

Samsung VXT assigns specific privileges based on the user’s account role, ensuring clear and effective access control within workspaces.

Below is an overview of each role and its permissions:

  • Owner: Full control over all aspects of every workspace, including user management and rate plans.
  • Admin: Complete control over the workspaces they belong to, including managing rate plans and configurations.
  • Manager: Divided into three sub-roles:
    • A-Manager: Manages both content and screens within their workspace.
    • S-Manager: Manages screens but has limited permissions for managing content.
    • C-Manager: Focuses on creating and publishing screen content but cannot manage screens.
  • Viewer: Can view content, screens, and users in their accessible workspaces, but cannot make any changes.

How to Remove a User from VXT

To cancel a user's membership in Samsung VXT:

  1. Hover the mouse over the specific user’s row in the list to reveal the three-dot icon on the right.
  2. Click the icon to display the Withdraw User option.
  3. Select Withdraw User to cancel their membership.

How to Remove a User from VXT

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